Ms. Green-Clean in New York, NY 10040 at 97 Arden St Ste 6C

This page contains information about Ms. Green-Clean in New York, NY 10040

Phone: (212) 942-8464
Address: 97 Arden St Ste 6C, New York, NY 10040

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More about Ms. Green-Clean:

Ms. Green-Clean offer the following services for individuals and/or legal entities:
  • Home Cleaning
  • Carpet Cleaning
This Ms. Green-Clean branch is located in New York, NY at 97 Arden St Ste 6C in 10040 area. They have been in business for 0 years. To contact them, call (212) 942-8464 during business hours or visit their website

It's more accurate to call what Ms. Green-Clean does “home care” than “house cleaning.” This is why we stand out from our competitors and why New York Magazine chose us as New York's “Best Cleaning Service.” We approach cleaning holistically and smartly. Using effective non-toxic, eco-friendly products and lots of old-fashioned, athletic elbow grease, we clean your home thoughtfully and thoroughly, always keeping in mind that we're doing important, meaningful work for individuals, families and businesses. We approach client's spaces with the same care we would our own, and you can always expect respectful, easy communication and a pleasant exchange with us. We understand that every home is different and every client's priorities unique. We're there to make your life easier. Our goal is to transform your home into a comforting and serene retreat that you look forward to returning to at the end of long days, and so you have more time to enjoy family, friends and pleasurable pursuits. Contact the business for more information about recent service changes.

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